Custom Pork Orders



Cost: $1.00/lb for a standard cut (based on hanging weight), $1.05/lb on hogs over 300 lbs, add $1.60/lb for custom smoking and curing from Stewart’s Meats, add $2.85/lb for custom smoking and curing from Uncle Jim’s Smokehouse

Time: 18-25 days until pick-up, from day of slaughter (includes smoking time)

Return: approximately 85% of hanging weight

How it works...

If you have an animal ready for harvest, please give our shop a call. We organize with several local slaughter trucks to arrange a harvest day that's convenient for you.

The hog will be immediately brought to our facility for cooling once its been slaughtered. One of our staff will call you with the hanging weight, at which time you may provide buyers names and phone numbers or your personal cutting instructions. If you have never made a custom order before, don't worry! We will walk you through your options to ensure you receive all your favorite cuts. Check out our sample order form below! Save the image below and open it with Microsoft Preview or Word to print the form. Or email us for a copy! Please note that spare ribs are automatically included as a standard cut but are not listed on the form.

We aren't doing in-house smoking at the moment but have great success collaborating with local facilities like Stewart's Meat Market and Uncle Jim's Smokehouse to give you the smoky flavors you want. Smoking takes 1-2 weeks. 

pork order form up.png

The hog will be hung, cooled and cut as requested. Upon completion of cutting, wrapping and smoking (if ordered), one of our staff will call you or the buyers with the final cost and amount of meat. Please note that orders requesting single-wrapped steaks/chops will be charged $1.50/lb and carcasses under 115 lbs will be charged a flat fee of $75.00. It takes 2-3 days for the product to be completely frozen. Please bring boxes at the time of pick-up and cash or check only for payment. 

A note on the final product...

Depending on the age, breed, gender and overall health of your animal, you can expect your hog to dress approximately 65% of the live weight. After de-boning and trimming, you should receive 85% of the hanging weight in consumable product. Please keep in mind, these are rough estimations and are not the same for every hog.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Keep an eye out for more pictures and recipes!